Monte-Carlo Vodka is a combination of finesse, strong personality and elegance, due to the specific way it is made.
The quality of wheat grain and the is a combination of finesse high purity of water give it a fullness and a taste that are unmatched.
It has a good length on the palate and a slightly iodized finish.
Monte-Carlo Vodka is the result of several years of research and development.
This exceptional product originates from a traditional distillation and an innovative technical process. Monte-Carlo Vodka is distilled five times from the finest French wheat grain (the fifth time in a copper still), then added to desalinated water.
The nobleness of Monte-Carlo Vodka comes from this precious assembly. Like the Principality of Monaco, Monte-Carlo Vodka combines tradition and modernity

Spirit Monaco integrates a strong environmental approach and a policy of sustainable development. It is, at this day, the only spirits company that produces more fresh water than liquor.
Straight, as a long drink or in simple or refined cocktail, chilled or at room temperature, Monte-Carlo Vodka® is suited to many uses, as its blending of French wheat associated to pure water is perfect.
Another distinguishing feature of Monte-Carlo Vodka@ is to be the perfect partner for Caviar. It has a good length on the palate and a Slightly iodized finish.

The bottle is an exclusive and original creation. Three years of development were needed to achieve a technical and aesthetic feat: strict compliance with the glass bottle blueprint with extra white quality, great precision of the patterned ornament, and a 5 cl measuring cap made of aluminum.